Quietness And Trust

by Mark Tidsworth, Founder and Team Leader

For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength. --Isaiah 30:15

As you know, Advent begins later this year in relation to Thanksgiving weekend. Somehow that feels like a small reprieve, delaying the ramp up to a new church year and the busyness of the coming season. I’m hopeful this gives you opportunity to engage this Thanksgiving weekend more robustly.

For me, this marks the end of the busy Fall ministry season. By this time of the year, after all the presentations, teaching, and preaching… I’m fairly tired of hearing myself talk. Isaiah 30:15 noted above becomes my mantra, ready for returning, rest, and quiet trust. I’m ready to be still so my ears can attune to the still small voice.

When I can get myself there, quiet and still, sometimes the still small voice is silent… but the good kind of silent. There’s a good kind of quiet, shared with our Spiritual Guide, a companionable silence. Other times, the still small voice is a whisper, a phrase or just one word. The phrase I hear mostly these days is “trust me.” Not much more than that. Simple and direct. “Trust me.”

The word of God for the people of God. Many recognize this phrase spoken by scripture readers during worship in some churches. As we engage this Thanksgiving season, I’m hopeful that all of you who’ve also experienced the busy Fall ministry season, will find some returning and rest in the days ahead. I’m hopeful quietness and trust will find you, too. And therein, may the word of God for the people of God find you, in whatever still, loud, mundane, or unusual way God’s word may come.

When this is so, then you and I will breathe out the response, Thanks be to God, deep and exceptional thanks be to God. May we all, you and me, live into Isaiah 30 moments this Thanksgiving week.

I’m so glad to be on this journey with you friends and partners in the gospel. When I think of you, what seems like doxology rises up in me, breathed out and upward to heaven, thanks be to God indeed. So be it, Amen.