Clarifying Church Identity

by Rev. Mark E. Tidsworth, Founder and Team Leader

Many things combine to form the identity of churches, making a clear description elusive. Yet, when we are able to articulate identity well, then those who are that church resonate with the description, recognizing themselves within.

Identity is always forming, yet rarely changes in substantive ways. One helpful question toward clarifying identity is, “As we move into the future, many things will change, yet what is it about this church that does not change, else this would no longer be this church?” This question can elicit great congregational discussion, contributing to identity clarity.

Beyond this, the following four aspects of church life combine together to form church identity. We often include these in our visioning work with congregations. When you read through them, you will notice how clarity in these four areas opens the floodgates for vision identification to flow.


DNA, watershed experiences, high and low points… each of these in the history of churches contributes to identity formation.


A clear Mission that provides guidance for all else. Interestingly, some churches find a traditional mission statement fitting and useful, while others prefer a brief mission mantra. Thanks to the Welcome Table from Rock Hill, SC, who uses a missional question instead, constantly asking how they can live into that mission (see below).

Mission Statement

Making Disciples For The Transformation Of The World

Making, Maturing, and Sending Disciples Who Partner With God To Transform The World

Connecting With God and Each Other, Growing In Faith, Serving in Community

Mission Mantra

In the Heart of the City, With a Heart for the City

Where Faith And Justice Meet

Making Christ Known In The Community

Missional Question

What does it look like to live into the Way of Jesus while partnering with God’s mission to transform our community toward the kingdom of God?

How can we be part of God’s mission in the world this week?

Theological Statement

This is helpful to the current church and to potential participants.

Core Commitments

Based on a church’s history, its DNA, its mission, its theology, and its contextual environment…

When these combine together, what are the core commitments that answer two questions:

1. What values are we committed to that are non-negotiable?

2. What do we aspire to live into as an expression of our identity?

These Core Commitments give clear guidance to the church in nearly every aspect of its common life and ministry.

I’m hopeful that sharing the above description from our visioning work will help you grow more clear on your church’s identity. Judging by the increasing number of requests for this kind of visioning consulting, it seems that churches feel the need for identity clarification right about now. Given the volatility (VUCA, see ReShape book, M. Tidsworth) of recent years, this is unsurprising. After surviving crisis and moving through, strengthening our foundations is a great way to launch new seasons of life and ministry. Blessings to all of us as we allow God’s Holy Spirit to transform us into greater expressions of the Body Of Christ.