Six Essential Functions We Need From Lead Pastors
by Rev. Mark Tidsworth, Founder And Team Leader
Most established churches get it by now… the traditional paradigm church has seen its heyday in this USA, experiencing diminishing returns when it comes to organizational strength, compared to pre-2000. Most anyone paying attention is aware, whether consciously or unconsciously. Traditional paradigm churches get it. In some cultural enclaves, protected from the larger changes afoot in the world, some traditional paradigm churches don’t need to change right now. But for most, change or continue to go the way of all things, is their reality.
At the same time, disciples who are living out their faith through traditional paradigm churches are there because they resonate with this expression of church. They appreciate the church campus and sacred spaces, the multi-person church staff, and the ability to provide programs while also joining in common mission. This is the form of church they appreciate, finding spiritual growth, community, and mission in these churches. They would be elsewhere were this not the case.
So, this is the challenge for traditional paradigm churches and their leaders… to continue their current paradigm so they don’t lose their people or identity… while also innovating and evolving into newer expressions of church which help open the doors to God to those who are not part of their church, and don’t much resonate with traditional paradigm churches. This is no small leadership challenge. Actually, it’s unprecedented for church leaders during our lifetimes.
Given this, what positions churches and their leaders to meet this challenge? After working with clergy and congregations over these last 20+ years, it’s clear that churches will follow lead pastors into innovation… after and when they are convinced of two dynamics:
That their lead pastor loves them and genuinely wants what is best for this church.
That their lead pastor is competent in the key functions of lead pastors.
In other words, lead pastors must earn the right to lead their churches into transformation through proving these two dynamics are accurate reflections of who they are. No shortcuts, no exceptions (except during extreme crisis). Would you follow someone who you believe does not have your best interest at heart? Would you follow leaders who are incompetent or ineffective with what your organization is already doing? Until they know lead pastors love them AND are competent in these six essential functions, they are very unlikely to follow lead pastors into even low level risks.
The following are the six essential functions we train lead pastors to pursue in the Lead Pastor Base Camp. Scanning them, one might notice leading transformation is included, yet is sequentially lower on this list. Not by accident, we train lead pastors to develop the first four functions first, cultivating an environment wherein churches are far more likely to grow open to transformation.
I - Advancing the Mission, Vision, and Core Commitments
II - Developing Leaders and Teams
Staff Team
Lay Leadership Team
III - Designing and Implementing Quality Worship
IV - Developing and Implementing Effective Administrative Processes
V - Leading Transformation
VI - Developing and Advancing Effective Approaches and Systems To
Congregational Care
Christian Formation
Missional Engagement
Stewardship Growth
I would love to describe in detail each of these essential functions, along with specific approaches toward implementing them. The scope of this article prevents this, yet I can share the Guidebook for the Lead Pastor Base Camp, with its 155 pages, does just that. Certainly in the four day Base Camp we can’t cover all this material, yet the faculty does a fine job of drawing participants into these six essentials, forming coaching groups for implementation afterwards.
For those curious about the Lead Pastor Base Camp, just get in touch, and take a look on our website here In the meantime, we are lifting in prayer lead pastors along with all church leaders, as they serve to shepherd God’s Church into the near future. Our aspiration is to be faithful to the gospel, while relevant in our communities, growing into greater expressions of the body of Christ as we go.