Virtual Deacon for Post-Pandemic Times

by Beth Yarborough

Many years ago when I purchased my first personal computer to take with me to seminary, I was both entertained and aggravated by the flexible/bendable smiling-face paper clip icon that continuously popped up offering help. Occasionally, I found it to be helpful but more often than not, I turned it off. We’ve come a long way in the days since the “gumby paperclip” offering virtual assistance. Almost every website has a virtual chat assistant to get you through whatever it is you’re trying to accomplish.

The best idea I’ve heard yet in the virtual world came from a church in Atlanta where I led a leadership retreat in October. Central Congregational UCC called an associate pastor last year, a graduate of Harvard Divinity School. He is tech-savvy and as the leadership was working to adapt to a post-covid world, has recommended that the Deacon Board have a “Virtual Deacon.” This deacon would have the responsibility of monitoring the on-line worship attendance, making regular phone contacts and funneling pastoral care and other information to the session and pastor. The Virtual Deacon also would encourage participation and attendance at activities outside of worship such as Bible studies, family meals, coffee hours, etc. I thought it was an absolutely brilliant idea and worthy of a patent.

Share with us any information you may have of churches using a Virtual Deacon model as this idea is an important item in the toolbox for adapting to the changing times in our churches.