What Churches Must Refuse and Pursue

by Mark Tidsworth, Founder and Team Leader

We know you are busy. We know it because you have made us busy with coaching, training, and consulting. Thank you… and hold on while churches engage Post-Pandemic and the Fall ministry season.

This week I’m facilitating a church staff team retreat at a camp and conference center in the Appalachian mountains (you know I’m happy). I’m busy, in such a life-giving way. So, given the shortness of time and the invigorating conversation, please allow me to share two approaches to the near future we are engaging in this retreat.

Rarely do I use the word “must” when it comes to church activity, yet this is one of those rare exceptional times. It seems that we are to such a unique time in the life of God’s church that “must” language is warranted and helpful. I’m not positioned to give you the research and field notes describing the context for these two “musts,” but I trust many of you will relate due to your experience (I have several presentations in the pocket for those who may want to pursue this in depth). From my viewpoint on our progress, here’s what I believe the church must refuse and must pursue.

Churches Must Refuse

  • To live off lingering nostalgic memories of previous success

  • To try recreating a bygone era which appreciates church-as-we-knew-it

  • To expect Christendom culture to feed us--members, while we passively stand by

  • To tolerate mission-drift, energy draining institutionalism, or bloated organizational structures

  • To continue irrelevant church practices, ministries, or programs

  • To fearfully ignore the current concerns in the marketplace

Churches Must

  • Connect the deep spiritual hunger in our world with the robust Way of Jesus

  • Live and contribute a winsome, different, and hopeful way of being in this world

  • Accept that returning to church-as-we-have-known-it is impossible, accepting there is no going back anymore

  • Proactively pursue this unprecedented transformation opportunity, entering the adaptive zone, making the most of this current opportunity

  • Refine and affirm their mission, pursuing essential church

  • Engage and welcome people wherever they are in their faith journey

These are my current “musts.” What about you and your church? Might this be worth a discussion? Given this opportune moment, what must your church lay aside and what must your church move toward?

May God bless you as you join’s God’s movement toward bringing the reign of God to earth, as it is in heaven.