The Third Pivot Churches Must Make During The Great Re-Evaluation

by Mark Tidsworth, Founder and Team Leader

NOTE – This is the fifth in a series of articles growing out of Mark’s new presentation on The Current Situation. We plan to release a video soon to serve as a learning tool for churches and their leadership. Mark has started giving presentations and training experiences with The Current Situation. Contact us to explore options.

The first pivot is Getting Ourselves To Good Space (

The second pivot is Clarifying The Why And The What (

The third pivot point for churches is Equipping Our Leaders and Our Churches for maximizing this transformation opportunity.

Here are two secrets we all know, yet are somewhat hesitant to say:

1 – Pastors, church staff persons, and lay leaders… church leadership has never led this level of transformation before. They were not trained for the current situation because the unique dynamics creating this current situation have never existed before in our lifetimes.

2 – Churches have never needed transformation at such a high level in our lifetimes. None of us has lived through a world-wide pandemic before. There is not a template, there is not an outline to follow. These are unprecedented times.

So churches, give your leadership – your pastors, church staffs, and lay leaders – time and space to go learn what they need to learn in order to lead transformation in your church in this current situation.

And churches, give yourselves permission to seek processes and moves that facilitate forward movement. Seek out approaches to being church that liberate you from constraining old wineskins while accelerating your transformation.

In Summary,

The Great Re-Evaluation is underway and this is perfect timing for God’s Church.

So let’s make these three pivots.

Let’s do the work it takes to get ourselves to good space.

Let’s clarify the why and the what.

Let’s equip and empower our churches and their leaders with skills and processes for leading adaptive transformation.

Since the Great Re-Evaluation is underway in our current situation, may we pursue the transformation opportunities right before us, stewarding well this unprecedented opportunity for God’s Church.